Mizonokuchi, Kawasaki City .
Kaisei Acupuncture Clinic
Acupuncture and Moxibustion Treatment Room
Grandale Mizonokuchi 607, 1-19-11 Mizonokuchi,
Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki
With painless acupuncture and comfortable moxibustion
Brings out the natural healing power of your body.
Does acupuncture hurt? Acupuncture is kind of scary ...
If you have such an image, please try it. We mainly perform acupuncture that can be placed without stinging and moxibustion that is warm and comfortable.
We also offer beauty acupuncture and pediatric acupuncture.
Frequently Asked Questions
★ Does it work without sticking a needle?
There are many different acupuncture treatments. In addition to the generally known piercing acupuncture needles (Australian acupuncture needles), there are acupuncture needles that do not pierce, such as roller acupuncture needles and acupuncture needles. By stimulating the surface of the skin in various ways, the flow of qi (body energy) can be regulated.
The skin is a sensory organ that senses tactile sensation, pain sensation, temperature, humidity, and scientific stimuli, and is said to be involved in immune function. The pleasant stimulus given to the acupuncture points on the surface of the skin is instantly transmitted to the whole body through the brain, regulates the flow of qi (body energy), relaxes the mental and physical tension, smoothes the flow of blood circulation and lymph, and smoothes the flow of the body. We will enhance the natural healing power.
★ Do you really want to stab an acupuncture needle?
Basically, the treatment is carried out without acupuncture, but it may be stabbed if necessary. In that case, please be assured that you will be aware of it in advance.
However, in the case of beauty acupuncture and moxibustion, acupuncture is applied to the face, but the number is about 6 to 10. We aim for the maximum effect with as little stimulation as possible. If you are still afraid of being stabbed with a needle, please contact us.
★ Can I use health insurance?
We do not handle health insurance.
When performing acupuncture and moxibustion treatment with health insurance, a doctor's consent is required, and the applicable diseases are limited to nerve pain, rheumatic lumbar pain, frozen shoulder, cervical arm syndrome, and sequelae of cervical spinal cord contusion. The cost of one treatment is about ¥ 1500 (of which 10 to 30% is paid by yourself), and the time is about 20 minutes. Therefore, it is not possible to provide sufficient treatment within the scope of health insurance. We will take sufficient time to improve your physical condition and help you to stay healthy. We appreciate your understanding.
★ What should I wear when receiving treatment?
We have treatment clothes available. You will be asked to change your clothes there, so please do not worry about your clothes when you come to the hospital.